
♛Post 329♛

LaGyo_Madeline Headbends 

LaGyo_Benedicte Set

RAWR! Jenny Rings 

GOREGLAM 'Siren' Eyeshadow

GOREGLAM 'Planetarium' Tint

skin-[Heaux] Kayla (shape incluso ) @N21

GIZ SEORN: 'Audrey' Set @ Uber

[BREATHE]-Haruka Heels (''Haruka Boots'' they are fitted for Maitreya, Belleza Freya, Slink, Legacy,Kupra & eBody, 18 colors to pick from with various options ) @ access

Pose-Lyrium. Kelly series

LeLUTKA Kaya Head 3.1

[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky 


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